As the title derptacularly suggests, I'm back... And I'm not the only one. My friend over at A Carnival Of Sorts has restarted his blogging, with an awesome batman comic...
And I SUPPOSE I have to mention that my sister drew it...
But anyway, onto the regular subjects.
The lego warthog... hasn't really changed in status.
I've made some minor changes to the wheel steering mech, but that's it...
Then there's MINECRAFT.
If you don't know what minecraft is, DO.
It is a game made up of 3D blocks 1m x 1m x 1m, which are different materials, such as dirt, stone, wood, etc.
You can pick up and place these blocks, you can build stuff, and you can make tools and weapons to make better stuff.
But first, you dig a hole in the ground, and stay there for the night, because of the kamikaze shrubs called creepers.
Any true minecraft fan will flinch if you start hissing close enough to them, as they will think you are a creeper.
But anyway, it's awesome. And I will probably be posting stuff from it at irregular intervals.
Oh, yeah, I'm on mid-term now :D
And earlier today I got my music practical pieces sorted out...
On the piano I'll be playing the Super Mario theme, and River Flows In You,
And on the saxomaphone I'll be playing Off To California and Take 5...
Shouldn't be too bad...
Oh, check out my friend Josey's blog, Hate To Be Doing Physics, as she has been doing some funny stuffs...
Hey hey, I got Halo Reach... Those elites are IMPOSSIBLE.... Or more IMPASSIBLE...
They just won't bloody well die!!!
Well, that's all from me...
Disputatio tibi posterius.