Friday, September 23, 2011

Ever heard of "Freedom of speech, thought and religion"?

The school had it's annual Beginning of Year Mass yesterday. All of the Roman Catholics in the school have to go to this, but the people of other religions are allowed to stay back in our study hall until near the end when awards are given out.
There is an official register of the religions of the students in our school. I am down as "Church of Ireland", and so am exempt from the mass. However, a friend of mine, who went to the study hall, was on this register as "Roman Catholic", though she is actually atheist; Brid.
In school today, Brid was called out to the principal's office, Ms. Threadgold. We watched her leave the classroom.
About 15 minutes later, she arrived back. Her eyes were bloodshot. She didn't say much.
After class, she told us that Ms. Threadgold ate the head off of her, saying that Brid was a "Disgrace to the school and to the Catholic church". She was then told to apologize to her form teacher, and to one of the nuns in our school, Sr. Madelaine.
In the afternoon, when school finished, and Brid had already apologized to her form teacher, she went up to Sr. Madelaine to apologize.
Sr. Madelaine was the person that told Threadgold about Brid not being at the mass. And she actually apologized to Brid, as she didn't want things to get this far out of control, saying  she never should have mentioned it.

There are a few things that bother me about this.
Firstly, as students, we are actually NOT allowed to change our religion on the official register. So basically, if your parents decide to force their religion into your life, there's not a single thing you can do to change it.
Secondly, Brid was singled out to be given out to, even though there are DOZENS of students who stayed home yesterday so that they would not have to go to mass. They have received no punishment, and have not been shouted at for quarter of an hour either. And whereas Brid was there at the end of the mass, for the awards being handed out, these other people weren't there at all.
And thirdly, the school can supposedly force you to do things depending on your religion. Which, in my opinion, in just plain wrong.

Disputatio tibi posterius.


  1. They can't give non-catholic (whether documented or not) students the option not to attend mass unless it is inclusive of everyone. We don't force our atheist values on them, so why must they insist on forcing their Christian values on us? Brid had every right not to attend that mass, as a 'non catholic' student she was well within her rights to go to the study hall. I would've had some words for Thready G if that were me in that position.

  2. Article 18 of the UDHR:

    "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."
