Now, if you don't already know, I am a big fan of the whole Rubik's cube franchise. I am able to solve a 2x2, a 3x3, a 4x4 and a 5x5 of the original cubes. I am also able to solve a Rubik's magic, though few people have heard of it.
I also used to know how to solve a pyraminx, though I haven't used one in so long I've mostly forgotten.
But there was always something that bugged me when talking about the spelling.
At first, everyone just calls it a 'rubix' cube, with an 'x' at the end, but eventually you realise that it ISN'T SPELLED LIKE THAT.
But over the years, I have seen another dilemma.
If you are talking about more than one Rubik's cube, how do you spell it?
Is it "Rubik's cubes", implying that "Rubik's cube" is all one noun and should be treated like one, or is it "Rubiks' cubes", which would be the proper English for ownership of plural nouns?
But all plurality aside, if there is anyone out there who strives to be a good solver, great tutorials on solving the 3x3 and the 4x4 were made by Dan Brown, a famous youtuber.
By the way, there's a pun at the end of the intro to the 4x4 video, he says it 'wants revenge', but he fails to mention that the 4x4 is commonly called the Rubik's revenge...
One other thing before I go;
Tony Fisher is a professional puzzle modder, you should really check out his videos.
And also, there is no stopping how far they will go: Do want, but it costs a fortune.
I shall leave you now, but with a warning: NEVER attempt to solve an evil twin.
Just don't.
It's not safe.
Disputatio tibi posterius.
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