Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I think it's about time for a new post.

Well, the snowmobile never got any pics taken of it, and a few days ago I took it apart, thinking there wouldn't be any more snow.

Well, if you don't go to FCJ, let me fill you in.

Got to school, It's EFFING COLD, and I get my tech graph books and head over to the tech graph room. Eventually, 10 minutes late, Mr. O'Sullivan comes along and we go inside.

About ten minutes later, someone says "Guys, look outside!"


And While some are thinking 'Yes, more snow!' and others are thinking 'Oh God, not more snow', I'm thinking 'And I just took apart my snowmobile'.


Anyway, chaos ensued, and by break time, half the school had been collected by their respective parents.

Then we had.... let me think...Free Geography, in which we just talked. By the end of Geog, there were about 15 left in the class.

Then we had french, in which we just played hangman.

One of them took a word from a notebook, then put up a 10 letter word, and someone guessed the letter 'c' at the beginning.

Then I guessed colloquial.

My turn.

So I put up _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

lol you should have seen their faces

By the way, it was hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia

Ironically, this is the fear of long words.

So anyway, once I got home, at 2:10, after school ending at 1:00, I started work on a different project.

Now, for my technology project in school, I'm making a toy rough terrain vehicle, and it's going to be based around a base made of 5mm clear perspex, and it looks something like this:
_____                        ____________
¦        ¦____________¦                    
¦        _____________                    
¦____¦                         ¦___________

__________                           _____
                    \                         /         ¦
                     `  ,  ______  ,  `          ¦
                           ______                 ¦
                     ,  `                ` ,           ¦
_________ /                         \ ____ ¦

Er, that was a fail.

Gah, I'll just upload a picture.

But anyway, since I can't do any work on it over christmas, I decided to make a lego model of it.

I started by making a replica of the base I just showed you, then built the back axle with oscular suspension, powered by a large motor.

Then I did the steering at the front, making it so that the axle of rotation was in the CENTRE of the wheel.


Ask anyone who is a big lego enthusiast will understand how difficult this is.

but now I've got the battery box fitted in, and am currently working on the aesthetics, as in building the outside shell.

I think that's everything...

Oh, yes, now I remember.

Vihart is this epic youtuber who doodles and talks about maths and patterns and the such like.

No seriously, check her channel out.

And another thing, if you have windows xp, go onto command prompt, and type in:


It's a bit crazy how much time must have been spent on it...

Disputatio tibi posterius.

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